The Boy Inside

The yearning to connect
All I ever wanted is
Acknowledgment and acceptance
I can barely contain it
These thoughts of mine

What you’ll find is
A scared boy inside
Afraid to step out into the world
His mind and experiences enslave him
Shackles him to one spot
A place deep inside
Where no one will see

Till one day, he turns a man
And breaks the chains
Freedom he sees
It is in his grasp
But yet he is never free
For the Shadow of the past
Blocks the light
So that he is forever
One step behind.

The Ungifted

The notion that we can become anything we want is a falsehood told to children to make the multitude of possibilities in life seem attainable. As innocuous as it may seem, we know this isn’t true and it is an idea that reality will demolish. Not everyone will have the financial support or the talent/skill to pursue their desired profession. Some persons are born with special gifts that seem to carve a destined legacy, but what if you are one of the ungifted?

I often envy people with extraordinary abilities; like why couldn’t I have been born with an insane IQ or be the fastest man on earth, or the best singer on the planet. Ultimately, such thoughts are futile and won’t change the fact that you cannot determine what life gives you. The harsh reality is that everyone cannot live a glamorous, glorified and celebrated life. Many do not possess exceptional talent or intellect.

However, it doesn’t mean that your story isn’t worthwhile or interesting. Think of each persons’ life as a form of art, we may start with the same canvas but we all are given different backgrounds, colours, hues, and shades to paint with. Nobody’s life is identical. Your story is unique; the combination of thoughts and experiences are not the same as anyone else’s. This article, for example, has never been written before.

I consider myself one of the ungifted, that is, I do not possess magnetic charisma, nor can I split atoms with brain power, nor am I a genetic freak, but does it matter? What should matter is how you choose to live your life and what legacy you want to leave behind. Yes, others may have a bigger platform and have a story that will permeate throughout history but you also have a story, why not tell it?